Family-Owned Business
We are a small farm located in Charlotte, Vermont. We enjoy farm life. In 2003, we built our home with the intention of living off-grid. Our power comes from solar and wind. We lovingly raise our animals in an atmosphere that is welcoming and calm. Although our primary livestock is sheep, we also raise ducks, and chickens, in addition to a few cats and dogs.

We have a variety of products that come straight from our farm. The process of creating beautiful yarn is always evolving. Beautiful wool is the product of healthy sheep in our chosen breed. We shear the sheep, skirt the wool, wash the wool, have it made into yarn, and then we hand dye it. Our yarn is sold in two local Vermont shops; Must Love Yarn and Norwich Knits, and is always available on the farm. Our wool blankets are woven using our wool. We have a list of other products that can be found in the Products section of our website.
We raise registered Romney sheep and registered Border Leicesters. All of our sheep meet breed standard quality. When we sell our sheep we ensure that they go to good homes. Many who have bought sheep from us still keep in contact to let us know how they are doing. It is always great to hear from those who have adopted one of our family of sheep.

Not only do sheep dot the landscape, but the farm is also the home to a flock of entertaining ducks; laying hens, who provide fresh eggs with bright orange yolks; a couple of dogs, and many cats.